Outils d'accessibilité
Raphaël JANOT-enfant
Raphaël JANOT-adulte
Raphaël JANOT-adulte 2
Raphaël JANOT-Enfant et adulte
Raphaël JANOT-adulte poisson

Bisca Pro Fishing

193 rue de Bernadon, Sainte-eulalie-en-born See the map
Open from 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2024
Fishing instructor. Bisca Pro Fishing offers you to discover the great lakes of the Landes region by practicing the sport fishing of freshwater carnivores.

You will be able to take advantage of the experience and knowledge of your guide "Raphaël Janot" (vice champion of France and former selected in the French team) during day trips, half-day trips or fully organized stays with accommodation less than 1km from the launch of one of the best fishing spots in Europe.
«Bisca Pro Fishing»
193 rue de Bernadon, Sainte-eulalie-en-born